Yesterday was not a very good day. I had to go to Denver for an appointment, which is a 2-hour drive, and besides the traffic, I got lost, and my appointment turned into a debacle (I'll fill you in later when I know how everything turns out). I left at 8:45 am and got home at 3:30 pm. I was so tired and I still had to get ready for book club.

Book club went well. Everyone enjoyed my book, so we only talked about it for 10 minutes before moving on to other things. The food was good, though, and I made sure I didn't eat so much that my stomach was upset. It was nice.

I got my story edited on Tuesday night like I had planned. I still need to enter the changes into the computer, but that's almost done. Now, I just need to focus on the last two stories. Hopefully, I will have a chance to work on them this weekend.

Still waiting to hear from the publisher and 2 agents who have partials. I figure by the second week in July (I have to give them time off for July 4), I'll send an email to get an update. I know the publisher is having issues because the editor moved and doesn't have email access, but they've had it for 240 odd days. Granted, they haven't had the rewrite for that long, but still. Hopefully I'll hear something soon!
Pembroke Sinclair's books on Goodreads
Life After the Undead Life After the Undead
reviews: 55
ratings: 100 (avg rating 3.64)

The Appeal of Evil The Appeal of Evil (The Road to Salvation, #1)
reviews: 38
ratings: 63 (avg rating 3.54)

Wucaii Wucaii
reviews: 32
ratings: 35 (avg rating 4.11)

Death to the Undead Death to the Undead (Sequel to Life After the Undead)
reviews: 20
ratings: 39 (avg rating 4.23)

Dealing with Devils Dealing with Devils (The Road to Salvation, #2)
reviews: 22
ratings: 32 (avg rating 4.00)